Patterns, Problems, & Perseverance

As a late year ‘resolution’ of sorts, I told myself that I would finally start using the patterns that I own. At the time, I only owned a few which turned into several as it just so happened that Joann was having a sale on patterns as was Hobby Lobby. I picked up some retro Butterick patterns and added some others to my stash!

My first pattern that I decided to make was the Butterick 6318. I loved the way that it looked! It looked easy enough, but once I started, it was so difficult for me! My pattern was missing some symbols it seems because at one point, it told me to gather between circles that were not there. I did learn some techniques such as under-stitching and dealing with facings. This was new to me! My mom was such a huge help and available at every point to help me figure things out. However, after one too many moments of confusion, I put that dress aside and decided to work on something else.

My current project is the Simplicity New Look 6434 pattern. It looks like a good start to launch into pattern following! Talking with my mom, we agreed that as I start making patterns more and more, my mind will become accustomed to thinking in a ‘pattern way’. So, I decided to backtrack some and start off with something a bit simpler. I have the pattern pieces cut out and will cut out the fabric later today and hopefully will have it assembled by the end of the day!

Hopefully, I will be able to look at this day 6 months from now and see loads of progress. Until then, I will keep trucking, learning new terminology, and filling up my closet one garment at a time.

2 thoughts on “Patterns, Problems, & Perseverance

  1. Darlene Benoit says:

    I love the fabric that you chose! I love to sew, but have not sewn in years! I have a friend that made a mold of her own body, then she could tailor it to herself. It was really cool.

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