Bibs, Skirts, & Lace – Sewing for Friends

There is nothing like being able to give someone something unique and handmade with love. While store bought gifts are wonderful, I do enjoy being able to create things with my own hands.

Recently, I had the pleasure to celebrate the upcoming birth of a sweet baby girl! With her and mommy in mind, I went through my stash of fabric and trims and created a few simple things – a bib and sweet little skirts.

The bib is fashioned with Michael Miller’s petals seafoam garland and backed with blue flannel I’d purchased from Joann’s. I used velcro to create the closure.

I also made some girly skirts complete with lacy, frilly trim! As I was sewing these things, I texted some images to some close friends and one responded, “If I was a baby, I’d wear that!” Love my Maeghan!


The material from the skirts was purchased at Hobby Lobby some time ago so it was a perfect find in my stash as I set out to make some skirts! I had a pacifier clip in my stash that I’d made so I included that as well.

There is nothing like giving handmade, homemade gifts and I have more projects up my sleeve for the babes and their moms and dads in my life.

What are your favorite things to give at baby showers?

A Sweet Skirt for a Sweet Girl

When David and I first started dating, I visited Austin in December of 2010 to spend time with him. It was during that time that I met his friends, Josh & Christina. They had been in Austin for a few months at that point, having moved here due to Josh being brought on staff at the church as an Assistant Pastor. I was still living in Dallas at that time, so arrangements were made for me to stay with Josh & Christina during my visit. When I met her, Christina & we immediately hit it off and she fast became my closest sister over the next few months. She has been, and is, a sweet & dear friend to me. She & Josh have three beautiful children – 2 boys (3 year old & 5 months old) and 1 girl (2 years old). They refer to my husband as “Uncle Dae-Dae” and to me as “Aunt Jenn”! We love our nephews and niece!

A few weeks ago, while on Pinterest, I found a sewing tutorial for a sweet skirt with lace trim and immediately thought of my niece. I’d received several boxes of fabric (more on the gifts of the fabric AND my sewing machine in an upcoming post!) which included a fabric reminiscent of Minnie Mouse! My sweet niece absolutely loves Minnie so I thought, what a great fabric to use to make a gift for her! I purchased some spools of lace from Joann’s along with some red thread and decided to tackle this project yesterday!

Getting ready to sew!

Lace sewn on!

All done!

All done!



For a little bit of flair, I mainly used white thread for the project but used red thread on the bobbin. At a few times during sewing, I switched the thread and bobbin colors.

As far as my niece? She LOVED the skirt! She was so excited to see it when I walked in the door. She kept saying “my skirt!” after I put it on her. What a sweet girl, and now she has a sweet skirt! I’m so glad she liked it and I am looking forward to doing some more in the future for other sweet little girls!